
Death & the Maiden - Issue 1

Created by Dren Productions LLC

The fabulous art of Jasmine Becket-Griffith and David Van Gough comes to life in this new dark fantasy comic series!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Digital Files Are Sent!
7 days ago – Sun, Oct 20, 2024 at 03:09:24 AM

Hey all,

We just wanted to let you know that the digital files for Death & the Maiden have been sent out to you! So everyone that has completed the pledge manager on Backerkit should have gotten an email from us (through Backerkit) with the link to your downloads. The comic is all ready for you guys to read! So, head on over and check it out!

Haven't filled out the pledge manager yet? You still can just by clicking the link here!



We also wanted to point out to you that we have a new campaign out for some of our other digital comics. A brand new comic, as well as a bunch of our older comics. So, check that out as well!

Make sure you peruse all of our titles!


Thanks all!


Check Out the Newest AXA Issues!
24 days ago – Thu, Oct 03, 2024 at 08:55:49 AM

Hey all,

Before we get into our announcement of our newest campaign, we just wanted to give you an update on yours. 

We are working on the pledge manager. For those of you new to crowdfunding, that is where we get your information to start sending out the books (and other stuff) you pledged for, and collect shipping charges (as needed). You are also able to add-on some things to your pledge if you missed it, or you decide you want it after all. We plan on launching this early next week for you, and then by the end of next week releasing the digital rewards to you. 

So, be on the lookout from us (through Backerkit), and when you get it, just jump on over and fill out the pledge manager ASAP. The quicker we get through that, the quicker we can get these books out to you!

On that note...

We only have just over 4 days left to snag the latest issues of the AXA classics.

Axa, a spirited woman in the year 2080, can no longer endure the oppressive order of the Domed City, a utopia built to protect the remnants of humanity after the Great Contamination. Driven by a thirst for freedom, she escapes to the wild, uncharted territories beyond. As a nomadic adventurer in the devastated outside world, Axa encounters a diverse array of survivors and challenges, forging a new, exhilarating life far from the confines of civilization.

It's an awesome comic, and we are glad to be reprinting them. We've gotten some awesome stuff for it. We've already unlocked 1 metal cover, and will likely unlock another before it's done! 

Let's cross the finish line strong!

Check it out now before it's too late!

Thanks all!


More Stretch Goals!
about 2 months ago – Tue, Sep 10, 2024 at 08:52:11 AM

Hey all, 

First, we are so sorry we never got on here yesterday to announce our new stretch goals like we wanted to. The day got away from us and by the time we realized it, it was bedtime!

We want to thank you all once again for coming out and joining the campaign! We appreciate you all. Without you guys, we wouldn't be able to do these projects.  

There are still plenty of awesome rewards left. Some of the original arts are getting snatched up, so if you want to have an original piece from Jasmine and David, you should give those a gander.

But, you want to hear about the new stretch goals. So here they are!

Once we surpass these goals, we will announce even more! So, be on the lookout! And share the project. The more eyes we get on this, the quicker we can unlock these goals and get to even more! 

Thanks again all!


We have a pair of other comics for you to look at. 

First up is My Neighbor Necromancer, which is a fantasy series about... can you guess? You'll probably be right!

My Neighbor Necromancer is a dark YA fantasy about a girl named Jessie who stumbles into the wild world of necromancy and learns how the denial and mistreatment of Death can do more harm than good. 

Both the living and the dead deserve love, even if they are not what we expect them to be.

Check it out now!


Then we have Console Wars--the history of the video game CONSOLE WARS told via Giant Robot Battles.

Those who recall gaming history may remember the intensity of championing your CHOSEN video game CONSOLE. Whether it was an all-time CLASSIC, a DARK HORSE competitor, or AWE-INSPIRING new TECH-- we all had a FAVORITE, and we all strived to see them WIN!

The story of these various video game companies over the generations, the rise and fall of consoles they created and destroyed-- It is a legendary saga that spans DECADES of our LIVES!

Head on over and take a look!


Thanks all!


Remarked Covers!
about 2 months ago – Fri, Sep 06, 2024 at 06:32:37 AM

Hey all, 

So, we've gotten 2 stretch goals down, and we have one to go. Once we surpass that, we will announce even more awesome stuff. Thanks so much for being here so far! We hope to be able to bring you guys even more. 

Speaking of even more, we are announcing some special Remarked covers. These will be limited to 25 copies. 

What is a remarked cover, you ask? Well, I'm glad you did. It's the regular cover of the book, but the artists so a special inked sketch on the cover that makes the book a unique item. No two sketches can be exactly the same. And Jasmine and David have agreed to do a set of remarked covers for you guys. Take a look here. 

We've added this as it's own pledge level, but we are also adding it as an limited add-on. 

That's all for now. Thank you all again for supporting this project. We love this book, and we can't wait for you to see it finished!

Thanks again!


Off to a Great Start!
about 2 months ago – Wed, Sep 04, 2024 at 04:45:54 AM

Hey all, 

Thanks for coming out for our first issue of Death & the Maiden. We have been working on this issue for over a year now, working closely with its creators Jasmine and David to bring you guys the best comic we could based on their artwork. 

We truly appreciate each and every one of you and want you to know we have some awesome stretch goals planned for you. We've more than surpassed our goal, so it's about time we announced them. 

And hey, guess what! We already unlocked the first goal!

Like we said, we have already passed that first goal, and are well on our way to hitting that second one!

We have more stretch goals planned for you. But we will announce those once all of these have been unlocked! The best thing you can do to help us get there quicker is to share the campaign! The more we share, the faster we get there, the more awesome stuff we can unlock!

We'll have another update soon!

Thanks all!